Bernard Michael Rochford

Hey! I’m Bernard Michael Rochford, and I’m a retired Osteopath from Brisbane. I love nature, gardening and birdwatching! Since retiring as an Osteo, I have kept myself busy, and this website is the latest of my adventures!

bird's eye photo of grass field
bird's eye photo of grass field
Writer & retired Osteopath

Early Career & more background

I was an osteopath for most of my career–almost two decades–working in the sunny coast of Brisbane. I learned a lot of lessons in my time as an Osteo, and also since leaving. Life is a lot more than just working, and working toward tomorrow. Life is better lived in the moment; in the present and among friends.

a person standing in front of a cave
a person standing in front of a cave

Now I spend my days in my backyard gardening, with an ice cold beer in hand, or tongs flipping some snags on the BBQ. If I’m not cooking up a storm, you’ll find me going for a walk outdoors. And lastly, if I’m not pottering about among some greenery, you can catch me watching the AFL on the couch. I love Carlton and naturally, I don’t like Richmond!

I’m hoping that this site can inspire others to follow their passions, to live in the moment, and to not put things off “until tomorrow”. There is no tomorrow! There is only now and the sooner you realise that, the sooner you can begin your journey to happiness.

So, if you’re interested in the life of a former Brisbane Osteopath, you’re in the right place. Bernard Michael Rochford signing out.

Topics that i’ll be covering

As I look back on the life I’ve lived, as a Brisbane Osteopath and now as a retiree, I can see how quickly life goes by. It’s like they say, if you blink, you really will miss it. This is why I’m building a website–to keep an online journal of everything I’m doing and interested in, so that it can be stored forever for me, or my family to look at and gain a better understanding of who I am.

person showing green plant
person showing green plant

One area I’ll be focusing on is gardening–whether that’s tricks and tips I’ve learned, problems I’m having, or just a stream of consciousness about my time in my backyard.

running field during daytime
running field during daytime

As I mentioned, I have a love/hate relationship with sports, particularly AFL. When Carlton is doing well, I love it, when they’re not, I hate it! I’ll be venting about my frustrations about AFL here too.

high-rise buildings near body of water during daytime
high-rise buildings near body of water during daytime
the word mental health spelled with scrabbles next to a green leaf
the word mental health spelled with scrabbles next to a green leaf

Brisbane is my home–and in my opinion, it’s the best part of Australia (and the world actually). I’ll be chatting about my experiences in Brisbane, restaurants I enjoy, events I go to and more.

Osteopath/Mental health

I spent decades as an osteopath, and so it’s basically embedded into my being now. Even though I’m retired, I still look at the world through the eyes of an Osteo, and am often thinking back to times I had in the job or at University.

man grilling outdoor
man grilling outdoor

Those who can’t cook, barbeque! Only kidding–sort of. I love the simplicity of a good BBQ; you just need the right spices, a good piece of meat, and some veggies. I’ll be talking about some of

shallow focus photography of person walking on road between grass
shallow focus photography of person walking on road between grass
Nature Walking

There is nothing more meditative than walking. Now that I think about it, I like meat cooked over an open flame, and walking for hours on end. Turns out humans haven’t changed that much since the early days!

a scrabbled word spelling the word w is down on top of a
a scrabbled word spelling the word w is down on top of a
blue and brown bird on tree branch during daytime
blue and brown bird on tree branch during daytime

I’ve lived what feels like a long life, while also feeling like I was 21 just yesterday. Regardless, I’ll be sharing my insights into the lessons learned during a life lived as Bernard Michael Rochford.

Animal Watching

There is something so beautiful about animals; their lack of self-consciousness, their innocence…in my opinion, birds are what humans should aspire to be like–that’s why I’m always watching them!